University Heights Block 148
UNIVERSITY HEIGHTS BLOCK 148.tif UNIYERSITV HEIGHTS ~LOCK 148 E 1/2 of Lot 48 & N 1/2 of E 1/2 of Lot 47- Permit to David HEDGECOCK APPROVED by ZA to construct a second story additional unit to an existing nonconforming dwelling; structure to observe a 4 1 street side yard where 7' is required, at 4196 Arizona Street, Zone R3A.__________________ CA~E____ft'.16285____ 9-27-79 Lots 46 & 47- ZA APPROVED request of JOHN MARTIN & MARGARETT. BEMIS to constr. 10 1611 hi x 7/5" wide open entry porch as addition to an existing single-family dwelling; entry porch to observe a 9'front yard where 15' is reqd, at 4190 Arizona St., Zone R-600.; with conds, C-19146 4/4/86-----------------------------------------------------------------------~--------------------