University Heights Block 154 Card 1
UNIVERSITY HEIGHTS BLOCK 154 CARD 1.tif UNIVERSITY HEIGHTS BLOCK 154 CARD # 1 Lots 39 & 40- Permit to o.c. Remman, builds with SB of 4' from front prop line. Res. 42371 7-18-27 Lots 31-34- Permit to c.A. Sheppard- buildings erected to be 10' from the front p.l. Res. 49313 3-4-29 s of Lot 20 & all of 21- Permit DENIED to Lee Randall to constr & oper an auto repair shop at 4115 Kansas St. Res. 752 10-9-44 Lots 33 & 34- Permit to C.A. Sheppard to convert a sin fam res at 4136 30th St. into a duplex & maint an 8 1 court access to rear dwelling & a 4' court access to new unit at front of lot. Res. 1569 6-6-46 Sly of Lot 20 & all of 21- Permit to Lee M, Rnadall to constr a 3 unit apt bldg at rear of prop, making 4 units with 5'8" access court on one side & 4' on the other, 4115 Kansas, providing gate is put in fence. Res. 3559 11-17-48 Lots 31 & 32- G.L. Anderson DENIED permit to const 2 living units, to make a total of 5 on the property with 64~ coverage, 4126 30th St. Res. 3592 12-1-48 Lot 3 & Sl3' Qf 2- Permit DENIED to Mrs. Gertrude Silver to const apt above gar, making 3 unlts at 41~7-89 Kansas St., the rear apt to nave 6 1 access into 8 1 court, & the 2 rear units to have 4' access to st., with 51.~ coverage (5~ perm) R-4 C-900 12-10-56