University Heights Block 156 Card 2
UNIVERSITY HEIGHTS BLOCK 156 CARD 2.tif. +\# Card No. 2 . UNIVERSITY HEIGHTS BLOCK 156 Lots 1 & 2 except the West 97i'- Permit to Frank & Helen Herbenar to const duplex obs 14' front yd where 15 1 is req, at 3071 Howard St. betw Ohio St. & Illinois St., Zone R-4. Case No. 8017 (N.H.) 1-27-67----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Lots 25-30- Pennit to Southeastern California Association of Seventh Day Adventists, Inc. to constr classroom and workroom bldg on lot with exist church facility; classroom and work- room bldg to result in 651, lot cov where 6 <:Jf,, is penn; and new addn to obs l' rear yard, the same as exist structure, at 3090 Polk Ave., Zone R-3A. Cond'l. C-13194 N.H. 6-20-75 Lot 15 & por. Lot 16- ZA CONSIDERED AMENDED request of XUONG HUNG HUYNH & DUC THI LE- to maintain existing detached garage conversion & lodging rooms (l) observe a 0'4" side yd on the north property line & 0 1 side yd on south where 4 1 side yds are reqd; (2) to observe 3' between dwellings used for living purposes where 6 1 is reqd; storage addn to (3) observe a 2 1 811 distance from main dwelling where 4 1 is reqd between dwelling & an accessory structure; (4) provide one tanden parking space where 7 parking spaces are reqd; & (5) to maintain 4 1 4" hi fence observing 0' front yd where max. 8 1 hi wall is permitted at 4135 Ohio St., Zone R-600, & has DENIED as requested, but APPROVED, garage conversion to sleeping rooms observ- ing a 0 1 1411 side yd on north property 1 ine where a 4 1 side yd is reqd, & Item #5, with cond. C-18800 7/7/85---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------