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Development Services

University Heights Block 160

UNIVERSITY HEIGHTS BLOCK 160.tif UNIVERSIT'l HEIGHTS BLOCK 160 (C Lot 34, par- Setback suspended, F.G. Walton. Res. 41368 4-18-27 Lots 7 & 8- Permit to Wm. F. Bouchard to const 2 story bldg to contain 3 liv units and 3 gar spaces, making 4 liv units on lot, with 7' access to street at 4067 32nd St. condl Res. 5300 2-7-51 Lots 21-24- Permit to Dept. of Public Works, City of S.D. to const addn to ladder shed naving O' side yd, witn addn naving O side yd (4' req) at 4011 32nd St., R-4. c-1843 5-16-58