University Heights Block 162b
UNIVERSITY HEIGHTS BLOCK 162B.tif UNIVERSITY HEIGHTS BLOCK 162 Lots 41 & 42- Permit to Jack H. Seedorf to alter por of exist gar i storage bldg at 4068 Iowa St into apt w/10" side yd adj to storage por of bldg. Res. 522 2-10-44--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Lots 9 & 10- Permit to Herbert & Alma Dupont to add 20' x 20' addn to exist 400 sq ft gar w/22" side yd, 4061 Illinois St bldg to be total length of 40 1 to be used for stge only & to maint 22" side yd. Res. 1502 4-25-46 W 62 1 Lots 25 & 26- Permit DENIED to Dr. C.E. Dewey to add approx 450 sq ft of office bldg to exist gar having O' side yd & 6 1 rear yd & permit excessive coverage of approx 40 sq ft- 3130 Lincoln Ave. Res. 3790 4-6-49--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Lots 29 & 30- APPROVED req of Anita M. Winters to (1) constr 2 units above 5 space carport in addn to exist 3 dwell units; addn to obs 3' side yds where 4 1 req; & (2) provide 1 park space in front obs I' front yd where parking must obs req 15' front yd; SCC 12456, at 4020 to 2024 Iowa St betw Lincold & Polk Aves, Zone R-4. Case No. 11696 1-2-73 Lots 15 and 16- ZA considered the request of RICHARD BR.avN, avNER; SOUL'S HARBOR SOC:IEI'Y, LESSEE, to naintain the operation of an existing, residential care facility for 12 residents, with weekly meeting of up to 27 residents and fonrer residents, in an existing, one-story, single-family dwelling and two-story duplex, where such use is pe.rmitted by Conditional Use Permit Only (facility is =rently operat~ in violation) at 4035 Illinois Street, MR- 1250B zone, ZA DENIED as requested but APPROVED residential care facility subject to conditions: C-20439 12/22/89