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Development Services

University Heights Block 164

UNIVERSITY HEIGHTS BLOCK 164.tif UNIVERSITY HEIGHTS BLOCK 164 Lots 37 J 38- Permit to Mr, Clayton E. Thompson to const 7 unit co-operative apt house covering approx 53~ of lot where 5~ cov is perm at 4052 Ohio St. R-4 condl. C-5101 7-24-62 Lots 28-30- Permit to E. Kramer, et al to const 2 story, 12 unit apt bldg with detached 13' x 14' laundry & storage bldg resulting in 521, lot coverage where 501, is perm & units to be serviced by 8 1 access ct where 10' is req at 4016 Ohio St. betw Lincoln Ave. & Polk Ave., Zone R-4 condl. C-7321 8-12-65 l s 33 and 34- Permit to Ann Emerson to convert one single family dwell. two on the lot to residential care home for four aged per.sons; at 4038 io Street between Lincoln Avenue and Polk Avenue, Zone R-4- Cond'l. C-12, 762/ 8-27-74---------------------------------------------------------------------------