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Development Services

University Heights Block 165

UNIVERSITY HEIGHTS BLOCK 165.tif UNIVERSITY HEIGHTS BLOCK 165.., Lots 15 & 16- Permit to L.P. Donovan to build 6 1 fran tne front property line. Res. 39916 12-6-26 Lots 45 & 46- E.W. Ryan Setback Suspended. Res. 40891 3-7-27 Lots 38 & 39- Permit to James A. Frame & Fred J. Grosso to erect 18" lli louvered fence on top of existing 6 1 lli masonry wall, over all llt of 7 1 6" on side lot line at 4060 3ot11 St. condl Res. 5273 1-24-51 Lots 36 & 37- Permit to Clyde H. & Bessie Morgan to const 2 stores on prop used for residential & com'l purposes & maintain exist 6 access ct., (10' req) 4046-52 3ot11 st., Zone c c-2661 7-29-59 6 mos ext to exp 8-11-60 Lots 3,4,5 and No. of Lot 6- Permit DENIED BY A2A to Marc-Aaron Inc. and Gregory W. Robinson, Inc., to construct 2-story, 13-unit building and to provide 22 parking spaces where 24 are required at 4075-83-85 Kansas St., zone R-3-A. Case 16643 3-21-80