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Development Services

University Heights Block 167 Card 2

UNIVERSITY HEIGHTS BLOCK 167 CARD 2.tif U!JIVEH.-:iITY HEIGHTS BLOCK 167-CArW 1t2. Lots 19 & 20- Permit to William K. & Beulah M. Jackson to remodel & enlarge exist sing fam res located over 2-car gar on par with three other sing fam res; exist gar & dwell obs 13 rear ~,ard from cent,r of alley; por of enlarged dwell will cantilever J I over rear of gar & obs 10' rear yard fro1u center of alley where 15 1 is req; remodeling to consist of relocating bath and enlarging bedroom & closets. Closets only to be cantilevered, at 4021 Idaho St. betw Lincoln & Polk Avenues,:C:one H-4, condl. Case No. 6613 8-4-64 Lots 13 & 14- Permit to Cecil & Louise Cox to constr sing fam res encr 3' into req average of the blk setback of 23' on West 103' of Lots 13 & 14, Blk 167, Univ Hts., at 4045 Idaho St betw Lincoln and Polk Sts, Zone R-4.--- Case No. 7628 (NH) 3/10/66 Condl.------------------------------------------------------------ E1 ly 65.9 1 Lots 25 & 26, all Lots 27- 30- Permit to George J. Polos to const 2-story, 24-unit apt bldg obs 6 1611 ront yd on Lincoln A~e. where 15' ront yd is req, at 4004- 4012- 4020 Utah St. betw Lincoln Ave. & Polk St, Zone R-4. Case No. 8098 4-26-67