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Development Services

University Heights Block 169

UNIVERSITY HEIGHTS BLOCK 169.tif UNIVERSITY HEIGHTS BLOCK 169 I Lots 19-24- Permit to Cnurcn of Jesus cnrist of Latter Day Saints to const classrm addn to exist cnurch having 71.~ cov wnere 6a,i is perm (which addn will not increase tne present cov) at 4005 Hali.ilton St. Zone R-4. C-5352 1-25-63 6 mos ext to exp 1-28-64 (6-6-63) Lots 6-9- Condl pennit to W.E. & Stella Granzow & Ann Reynolds to erect 6 1 hi masonry retain wall on North p.l. obs 0' SB from Hamilton St. where max 3' hi wall is perm in req 15' SB, at 4077 Hamilton St. betw Arizona & Oregon Ste. R-4 Zone. C-1044 3-16-65