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Development Services

University Heights Block 170

UNIVERSITY HEIGHTS BLOCK 170.tif UNIVERSITY HEIGHTS BLOCK 170 J Lots 29 & 30- Permit to Guy J. Norwood, building to be 21 1 6" from the front p.l. Res, 38059 6-7-26 Lots 9-12- Bungalow court on Arizona St., SB 14'- Permit to Cecilia Swanson. Res. 50637 7-1-29 Lots 35 & 36- Permit to Josephine Sleek to install bath in exist 1 fam unit with 2' side yd at reargi making total of 2 units, 4044 Hamilton. Res. 6493 5-28-52 Lots 43 & 44- Permit to Hugh B. & Mary A. Maguire to constr 2 story, 10 unit apt bldg resulting in approx 51.21, lot coverage where 5Cff,, is perm at 4078 Hamilton St. betw Polk Ave. & Lincoln Ave., Zone R-4. 17_ 8-,3/-?a C-9781 NH 3-19-70 ~r,,~d--------------------------------------------------------------------------- Lots 31-32- Pennit to Merrie Dillahunt Major and Steward Gustin Dillahunt, owners and corporation of.Presiding Bishop of Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints, purch to develop as a parking lot to serve church facility at 4015 Hamilton St., at 4030 Hamilton St. between Polk Ave. and Lincoln Ave. Zone R-4. Cond' 1. C-12995 4-30-75