University Heights Block 171
UNIVERSITY HEIGHTS BLOCK 171.tif UNIVERSIT1 HEIGHTS BLOCK tn Lots 23 & 24- Permit to J.H. Mark, own & Wm. S. Minor, Jr., lessee to conduct a restaurant, grocery, delicatessen & gift shop in an exist non-conforming store bldg at 2404 Lincoln Ave., provided business in not operated after 8:00 P.M./ Res. 861 3-1-45 Lots 15 & 16- Permit DENIED to Delbert R. Hall to convert exist gar & store room in duplex at 4035 Texas St. into addnl liv quarters, with no side yd. Res. 1913 12-5-46 Lots 33 & 34- Condl permit to Harry T. & M. Grace Bishop to operate a photographic dark rm in bldg at rear of 4036 Arizona St., Zone R-4. Res. 4843 7-26-50 Lots 1-4- Permit to Temporalities Corp of Church of God to const 56 1 x 40' addn to exist' church, to be used as educationl bldg with 10' rear yd, SE cor Texas & Polk. Res. 6864 10-1-52 Lots 46-48 exc Ely 72'- Permit to Ervin C. Bishop to const 2 story, 3 unit apt bldg as addn to exist gar having 3' near yd, the units with 5' rear yd at 2425 Polk. Res. 9249 10-26-55