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Development Services

University Heights Block 180 Card 1

UNIVERSITY HEIGHTS BLOCK 180 CARD 1.tif U1UVERSITY HEIGHTS BLOCK 180 Lots 6 & T- Permit to Roland E. & Catherine C.raig, to erect & oper 3 family units at 1225 Lincoln Ave. Res. 66976 12-?l-37, Lots 53 & 54- (S93' exc State Higlrway)- DENIED permit to W.A. Strong to conv exist structure on Vermont St. betw Pascoe & Lincoln into liv quarters & make addn with no side yd, & 6~ coverage. Res. 372 8-19-43 Lots li-6 & 47- Permit to John F. Evans to const a sin fam res on remaining portions of said lots, which parcel does not have st frontage, but is served by an alley 20' in width, Washington St. Freeway, Ely of Vermont St. Res. 3367 9-22-48 Lot 24- Permit to E.W. Schlehuber & Lee J. Karnes to const 18 unit apt bldg with 8 1 SB on Lincoln Ave., NWly cor Washington St. & Lincoln condl. Res. 9087 8-17-55 Lot 3- Permit to Sarah LaPutz to const addn to res att to store bldg havng 0' side yd the addn to obs 3' side yd at 1209 Lincoln Ave. condl Res. 9108 8-17-55 Lot 24- Res. 9087 ABOVE to E.W. Schlehuber & Lee Karnes AMENDED to permit 13 parking spaces instead of 16, NWly cor Washington & Lincoln. Res. 9208 9-28-55 Lot 24- Permit to E.W. Schlehuber & Lee J. Karnes to erect double-faced neon roof sign, approx 5' x 9' at 1299 Lincoln Ave., R-4. Res. 9343 12-21-55