University Heights Block 184 Card 1
UNIVERSITY HEIGHTS BLOCK 184 CARD 1.tif UNIVERSITY HEIGHTS BLOCK 184 Card#~ ' Lots 45 & 46- R-4 (Ord 12988) suspended for auto repair shop, permit to F.C. Schubert building to conform to existing buildings, 3990 Cleveland Ave. Res. 56253 4-13-31 Lots 2 & 3- Permit to Cora E. Davis, for a beauty shop on Lincoln Ave., Zone R-4. Res. 65840 4-20-37 Lots 45 & 46- Permit to F.C. Schubert, service station, 8 1 from line on Cleveland Ave. Res. 53075 2-17-30 Lots 24-26- Permt to University Christian Cnurch to erect church bldg at 3916 Cleveland Ave. maint an 8 1 SB. Res. 2024 1-30-1~7 Lots 24-26- Permit to University Christian Church to erect church bldg at 3916 Cleveland Ave. with 10' rearyd& 9CJf. coverage. Res. 2025 1-30-47 Lots 21-26- Permit to Univ. Christian Church to erect new church bldg with 10' rear yd, 3900 Cleveland Ave. Res. 5891 9-19-51 Por Lots 45 & 46- Permit to Chas. Gordon Wells & Alice c., owners, & Signal Oil Co., lessee to const & oper service station wh 1 lited dble-faced 5' x 35' sign over pump; & W~At 2 floodlite poles, 1 obs O' SB & one obs 10' SB from Cleveland Ave. (20' req) 3990 Cleveland Ave., R-4 condl C-3860 5-19-61 c-3861 3-31-61 & 4-28-61