University Heights Block 185 Card 1
UNIVERSITY HEIGHTS BLOCK 185 CARD 1.tif) UNIVERSITY HEIGHTS BLOCK 185 Ol '2 "f ~~_ J,::J:J ~ Lots 22-24 (Ely 115')- Permit to F.L. & L.L. McWhinney to erect a church building at 1536 Blaine Ave. with a 7' SB on Normal St. Res. 1117 9-27-45 SWly 20' Lot 23 exc SEly 255' & Lot 24 exc SEly 255'- Permit to Lillian S. Lausted to convert exist gar to bedroom, res having 3'8" rear yd, 1504 Blaine. Res. 4400 1-25-50 Lot 1-15, State 'of Calif. Dept. of Motor Vehicles to const off bldg obs 41 SB from Normal St., flag pole to obs 2' SB from Normal St. 6 1 fence for State car compound to obs O' SB from Cleveland & 4' x 6 1 sign to obs 5' SB on Normal St., R-4 zone TABLED. C-2674 7-24-59 Lots 1-15- State of Calif. Dept Kotor Vehicles- CUP 2642, WI'IHDRAWN by applicant, see letter of 8-17-59 in file. Por Lots 16-21- To Walker, Giesen, Wieland, own; Lllngdon, Simpson, purch; Gen Services lessee TABLED c-4723-25 3-14-62 Lots 16-21- Application DENIED, now being appealby by Giesen, Weiland, Walker, owners to const & apr 4000 sq ft off bldg used as adm & dispatch off of International Union of Operating Engineers, Local #12. c-6205 2-5-64