University Heights Block 190
UNIVERSITY HEIGHTS BLOCK 190.tif UHIVERSITY HEIGHTS BLOCK 190 Lots 7, 8 &. 9- Permit Dl!liIED Socony Mobil Oil Co., Inc. to maintain three floodlighted pylon price signs totalling 108 sq. ft.; signs obs 01 setback on University Ave. where 20' SB is estab by Ordinance 13001 approved 10/27/30; signs have been removed pending approval of SB variance, at 1602 University Ave., NE corner NorD11Ll St. & University Ave., Zone c. Case No. 68.59 l.2-16-64-------------------------------------------------------------------Lots 7, 8, & 9- Permit to Socony Mobil Oil Co., Inc. to demolish existing service station and construct new service sta with pump island back of SB, but with canopy encroaching 10' into estab 20 1 SB on University Ave.; and maintain exist ground sign and light pole encroach- ing 20 1 into estab ~o SB on University Ave. where no structures are permitted in the SB area, at 160;:: Universit;z Ave., NE cor Normal 3t. and University Ave.,.lone C, Cond' 1. AGREEMENT #1428 6/2/66 Case No. 7692 5-26-66 Lots 1-5- CC Res. 186023- That a paxt~~~omobile impound yd, located in the C Zone on the ely side of Normal st. Sly of~Ave. with a solid fence with planting on the exterior is an enterprise or business similar to and not more obnoxious or detrimental to the welfare of the particular community than those enterprises or businesses perm in sec. 101. 0433. cc186023 1-13-66------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Lot 5- Permit to James Simpson, 1567 9tn Ave. to erect a store bldg to the p.l. on Normal St.. Res. 62392 12-4-34--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------