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Development Services

University Heights Block 191

UNIVERSITY HEIGHTS BLOCK 191.tif UNIVERSITY HEIGHTS BLOCK 191 Lots 23 & 24 (Wly 68.50 1)- Permit to Jesse & Adda Strotts to const approx a 9' x 21' addn to an exist res at 3921 Normal Ave.; add to be used as beauty parlor; prov the architecture of tne add conforms with exist dwelling. Res. 2068 2-27-47 Lots 46 & 47- Permit to Oren D. Irwin to convert exist duplex to triplex, making 4 liv units on lot with 5' access to st for sin fam unit in rear condl. Res. 5324 2-15-51 Lots 5 & 6- Condl permit to Nicholas & Ann Schaefer to erect duplex in rear of exist duplex at 3977 Normal St. Res. 5800 8-22-51 Lots 5 & 6- Fermi t to Nicholas & Ann Schaefer to erect 4 car gar with duplex above in rear of exist duplex, making total of 4 units, 3 served by 4 1 811 access, 3977 Normal. Res. 7605 7-2a-53 Lots 15 & 16- Permit to Margaret G. Correll to maint exist 44 1 x 17' carport att to rear of exist 6 unit apt bldg resulting in 53-33i coverage of par where 50,, coverage is perm. All other yd req will be complied with at 3945 Normal St. betw Blaine Ave. & Lincoln Ave., Zone R-4 condl c-6632 10-23-64 Lots-40 & 41- Permit to Eildred E. & Gordon L. Mountain to compl constr of 8 unit, 2 story apt bldg obs all yd & park req but result in 53.~ cov (50,, perm) at 3966 Centre st., R-4. c-8163 5-24-57