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Development Services

University Heights Block 194

UNIVERSITY HEIGHTS BLOCK 194.tif UNIVERSITY HEIGHTS BLOCK 194 ~. CardJ6 Por Lots 45 & 46, Lots 47 & 48- Permit to Grace Lutheran Development, Inc. to dev as parking lot to be used by tenants of l story, 162 unit dev adj on Lots 9-12, across the alley where parking in the rl.-4 "'one is perm only as accessory to perm R-4 use; to erect 8 1 high chain link fn on top of r,dtaining wall varying in ht from 3' to 8 1 along Lincoln Ave encroaching 10' into req 10' street side yd where max 6 1 high fn is perm, and to erect 8 1 high fn along Georgia St on top of 6 1 high retaining wall encroaching 15 1 into average of the blk SB where max 3 1 high fn is perm, on SW corner of Lincoln Ave & Georgi~ st., Zone R-4. Condition No. l amended 10-5-66- Amended 1-27-67 c.u.P. C-7811 8-29-66 Por Lot 39 and Lots 40-44- Pennit to Grace Lutheran Evangelical Church to dev as parking lot for church & school located in C Zone immed adj across the alley on Sundays, and to use as a school playground on Mon. through Fri,, where parking in R-4 ~one is perm only as accessory to perm R-4 Zone use; to erect 8 1 high chain link fn on top of retaining wall varying in ht from 31 to 6 1 along Georgia St, encroaching 15 1 in the req S5 average of the blk where a max 3' high fn is perm, in the 3900 blk on Geergia St,;f)LS'-'-of.... Lpicoln Ave, lone R-4. Condition No. l amended 10-5-66_ Amended 1_27_67 C.U.P. C-7812 8-29-66 =------------------------------------------------------------------------------