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Development Services

University Heights Block 200

UNIVERSITY HEIGHTS BLOCK 200.tif UNIVERSITY HEIGHTS BLOCK 200 01'2.lfSt- J Lots 5 & 6- Permit to M.E. Langham, remodel 5 car gar into 2 unit apt, under a 3 unit Zone R-4 at 3975 Texas St., in rear. Res. 69286 5-9-39 Lots 31 & 32 rear- Permt to F.B. Taylor, "two unit auto court on the rear of lots, 3938 Arizona St. Res. 73704 3-25-41 Lots 41 & 42- Permit to Arne L. & Mary Jonnson to erect bacnelor apt witn 5' access making 3 units on lots, 3979 Arizona St. Res. 7729 9-16-53 Lots 25 & 26- ZA approved the request of JANE MEGOFNA, owner; CRAIG L. DIXON, purchaser, to construct 54 sq.ft. addition to existing 1.054 sq.ft. commercial building and operate a veterinary clinic located at northwest corner of University Heights, zoned C with cond. C-18603 10/19/84