University Heights Block 205
UNIVERSITY HEIGHTS BLOCK 205.tif.. /3 UNIVERSITY HEIGHTS BLOCK 205 Lots 33 & 34- Permit to Henry Bockelmann, build 16 1 back from front p.l. Res. 42088 6-20-27 Lots 43 & 44- Permit, condl, to Nellie Spainhower to erect add to apt with O' sideyd, ~ Res. 127 6-18-42 Lots 17 & 18- Permit to North Park Lions Club to const a 1 story auditorium with caretaker's quarters witn a total of 72'{,, lot coverage, east side of Utah St., North of Univ. Ave., said living qtrs to be for caretaker only & not a rental unit. Res. 3502 io-20-48 Lots 33 & 34- Permit to Ida D. Hecker to convert 1 of 3 exist liv units into 2 liv units at 3936-38-40 Kansas St. Res. 5668 7-11-51 Lots 29 & 30- Permit DENIED to Argyle M. Campbell, own & Ernest L. & Ada Mathews, less to operate dry-cleaning plant with less than 10 employees, equip approx 30 h.p. (10 perm) 3918-20 Kansas St., Zone C C-2701 7-31-59 Lots 35-36- Permit to Jack & Pearl Knepner to constr a 12' x 12' patio addn to exist nonconforming sin fam dwell iocated on tne ground floor, at 3946 Kansas st. betw University Ave. and Lincoln Ave., Zone c. Cond'l. c-12505 4-5-74---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------