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Development Services

University Heights Block 208

UNIVERSITY HEIGHTS BLOCK 208.tif UNIVERSITY HEIGHTS BLOCK 2o8 0ttY'i6-T W61' of Lots 25-28- Pennit to Max Heimburge to remodel exist 6 unit apt on 2nd fl of commer. bldg., witn approx 671, coverage of roof of bldg (6CYt, perm) enc stairway obs 0' side yd, liv quar 4' side yd, 3074 University Ave. C-1314 7-19-57---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Lots 15 & 16- Permit to Ernest L. & Ada C. Mathews, lessee, & R.H. Gurney & A.L. Jensen, co-owners, to const dry-cleaning plant with approx 35 np & less tnan 10 employees at 3925 0nio St., C Zone. C-2824 9-25-59 W50' of Lots 37 & 38- Permit to Geo. c. Natnan & Benj W. & Lillian Natnan, owners & Clayton Thompson, purcn to use for parking witn proposed profes bldg to be const on Lots 35 & 36, West side Illinois betw University & Lincoln, Zone C- & R-4, condl. C-3142 2-26-60 Lots 41 and 42- Permit To Charles V. and Rosemarie Langdon to develop property as a parking facility to serve the office bldg. across the alley in a "C" Zone, at 3968 Illinois Street between University Avenue and Lincoln Avenue, Zone R-4- Cond'l../4 C-12,611 6-7-74---------------------------------------------------------------------------