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Development Services

University Heights Block 210 Card 1

UNIVERSITY HEIGHTS BLOCK 210 CARD 1.tif UNIVERSITY HEIGHTS BLOCK 210 Card /11 Loas 47 & 48 W35'- Addn to a res in Zone R-4 with a rear yd of 3' & a 9' side yd, lot cover 53.21, (Ord 8924) Granted to Marion Helwig, 2822 30th St. Res. 73773 4-1-41-~--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Lots 18 & 19- Permit to P.E. & Margaret L. Gongaware to erect an addn to rear of an exist res 3925 Iowa St., existing res & add with a 2 1 6 11 sideyd, subj to req of Bldg Dept. Res. 1118 9-27-45 L6t~ 37 & 38- Permit to Frank & Pearl Gordons to operate a pressing & tailoring shop, wholesale cleaning & laundry agency, in an exist gar at 3954 32nd St. Res. 1276 1-17-46------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Lots 39 & 40- Permit to Ray E. & Edith J. Oliver to erect duplex with 3' access, 3960 32nd St. condl Res. 6350 4-2-52 Lots 12-17- Permit to Smith-Hanna Clinic to const bldg to nave O' side yd & 85~ cover, onE side Iowa St. betw Univ. & Lincoln, R-4 & C, condl Res. 9139 8-31-55 Lots 12-17- Permit to Smith-Hanna Clinic to const bldg to obs O' SB in R-4 por., E side Iowa betw Univ. & Lincoln, condl Res. 9140 8-31-55-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Lots 12-17- Permit to Iowa Street Crop to const add to rear of exist non-conforming:iabbn- clinic 3939 Iowa St., R-4 & C condl C-2859 10-9-59