University Heights Block 213 Card 1
UNIVERSITY HEIGHTS BLOCK 213 CARD 1.tif tlNIVERSI'lY HEIGHTS BLOCK 213 Lots 4 & 5- Condl permit to Howard G. Gunn, own & Paul A. Downey, operator to use a 2 car garage at 1020 Essex St. for washing macnine & electrical appliance ser & repair for 6 montns Res 1142 10-29-45 El5' of Lots 11 & 12- Permit to Norma Zammer & Edith Gautnier, own & Mickie Finn's lessee to develop & maint as a parking lot for employees of a commercial business, located in a commercial zone, immediately adj to and across tne alley where multiple units are permitted, at 1042 Essex St., betw Vermont & lOtn Sts, Zone R-4 condl Ext of time DENIED (10-1-65) c-6929 1-29-65 Lot 4 & 5- Agreement #388 to Howard Bunn to use a two car gar for wasning macnine & electrical appliance service & repair & have applied for a zone variance by application #3120, dated 10-3-45. A-388 10-29-45 Lot 12 and E. 15' of Lotll- Request DENIED to Fred & Barbara Soetje, aka Fred & Mickie Finn, to provide 4 offstreet parking spaces (employee) on rear 25' of property. /01/-,;? /g,~ ~ ~-J. lb ti,~ f2-J_ C-9552 6-12-70.Il.-a.~,:;-s,;;,_ ~~ /JL-,,~__ f-1 9-? c.l------------------------------------------ Lots 20,21,22- Permit to Robert Hamann and Marvin and Joan Jacobs (DBA Cabrillo TV) to erect two additional projecting signs on premises with one exist projecting sign; signs to bl 15 sq. ft. each and project3 1-7" from prop line where one pr10jecting sign only is perm on each right of way; bldg projects 3'-6" over prop line, signs to project l" from bldg. at ion University Ave. betw 10th and Vermont Ste. Zone c. C-12525 4-25-74