University Heights Block 220
UNIVERSITY HEIGHTS BLOCK 220.tif UNIVERSITr HEIGHTS BLOCK 220 3/ N50' of Lots suspended to nearest edge Richmond St. 25-27 & ElO' of 28- Permit to Mrs, Ida B, Marshall, setback Ord. 12321 allow erection of a residence & garage, 15' back on Myrtle (17' from of sidewalk) with setback maintained on Richmond St., tqrtle Ave. & S4'-t'C.. Res. n364 5-14-40 Lots 1,2 & WlO' of 3- Suspension of 9374 for renting apt over garage at 1202 Upas St., DENIED to Gl!ldys B. Clinard. 10-2-30--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- liDXllll Lot 32 & Ely of 57 Marston Hills- exist gar & convert por of it to 1 no sideyd, condl Permit to Francis A. Smith to const 22" add to sleeping room & 1 bath with exist 15' rear yd & Res. 3293 7-14-48 Por Lots 2Q-22- Permit to Melvin E. Fisher to constr an enclosed patio addn to a res and gar, 1282 Upas st. Res. 5111 11-15-50 Lots 16 & 17- Permit to Harry H. & Goldie M. Allen to dismantle exist kitchen & conv to guest house & ldry rm with 16 1 rear yd 1262 Upas St. Res. 7334 4-15-53