University Heights Block 224 Card 2
UNIVERSITY HEIGHTS BLOCK 224 CARD 2.tif UNIVERSITY HEIGHTS BLOCK 224 cf/112 35 Lot 3, exc W15' of S 100' & Lots 4 & 5- Permit to Henry T, & Johan M. Hughesman to const sin fam res across lot line, tying 2 exist parcels split prior to 12-5-54 into 1 entire parcel, total 4 dwellings on par, 1 exist unit not having full st frontage & 2 units 3' sideyd (4' req) at 1216 Pennsylvania Ave., R-2; to provide 1 addnl paved off-st parking space- total 4 off-st park. c-3619 10-14-60 w of Lot 34 & all of 35- Permit to Geo. & Lula A. Pappas to const 2 bedrm, bath & porch addn to front of sin fam dwell with exist 2' side yd; addn to also obs 2' sideyd where 3' is req at 1253 Robinson Ave., R-4, condl c-4668 1-24-62 Lot 8- Permit to San Duress to add bar sink to proposed recreation room on lot that permits only a sin fam dwell at 1230 Pennsylvania Ave. Zone R-2. AGREE #19($ 6-21-74.. West one-half of Lot 30 and All of Lots 31- 35- Permit was considered by ZA to ROBINSON TERRACE GENERAL PARTNERSHIP to maintain a five-story, 32-unit condominium building, construction of which resulted in: (1) building observing a 7 1 interior side yard where 13 1 is required; (2) building observing an 18 1 rear yard where 24 1 is required; (3) building resulting in 75% lot coverage where 50% is permitted; (4) retaining walls and steps ranging from 3 1 to 12 1 in height at steps and entrances, observing 6 1 front yard where 15 1 is required, and a 14 1 rear yard where 24 1 is required; and (5) 387 1 of fence and wall combination ranging in height from 5 1 to 7 1-6 11 along the side and rear property lines where a maximum 6 1 high wall and fence is permitted, at 1263 Robinson Avenue, Zone R-3A. C-17444 11-6-81 (CONTINUED ON REVERSE)-