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Development Services

University Heights Block 225 Card 1

UNIVERSITY HEIGHTS BLOCK 225 CARD 1.tif UNIVERSITY HEIGHTS BLOCK 225 0/ZlfJr,-::f I CARD#l Lots 17 & 18- Permit to W,E. Trask to alter exist non-conforming apt bldg at 1270 Robinson St., to accommodate an addnl one room apt with access to a 5' court. Res, 1545 5-23-46 Lots 13 & 14 & por of Lot 15- Permit DENIED to Alice & A.E. O'Day to erect 14' x 17' addn to exist sin fam res (convert to duplex) total 5 units, l unit to be served by 5'6" access court, 1254 Robinson. Res. 4138 9-7-49 Por of Lot 15 & all of 16- Permit to Mrs, Alma J. Brown & Alice L, Brown to const 2 liv units in addn to exist sin fam dwelling, making 3 units on the prop, with a min of 4' access court to the street at 126o Robinson Ave. condl Res. 5496 5-2-51 S50' of Lots 1 & 2- Permit to Grace R. Jacques to enlarge & rebld exist gar with O' side yd & O' rear yd, 3753 Vermont St. Res, 7407 5-13-53 N40' Lots 21-24- Permit to D,C. & Dorothy Dean Teel to conduct key & locksmith bus, W side Richard betw Essex & Robinson, condl Res. 7426 5-27-53 N40' of S90' Lots l & 2- Permit to Frank M. & Jewel Patton, to const 4' x 12' addn to non-conf gar with O' side & rear yds at 3765 Vermont st. Res. 9325 12-7-55---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------