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Development Services

University Heights Block 231

UNIVERSITY HEIGHTS BLOCK 231.tif UNIVERSITY HEIGHTS BLOCK 231 N50' Lots 10-13- Permit O' SB on Cypress St., 4' to Ralpn J. Virden to const sin fam res, 7' SB on Albert St., sideyd, Slot line, SW cor Cypress & Albert. Res. 4956 9-6-50 Lot 5 exc Nly 50 of E 15' & Lot 6 exc N50' & El5', all Lots 7-9- Permit to Day & Night Plumbing & Heating Co. to build 5 car gar, O' sideyd, 15' from center line of alley, NW cor Albert & Brooks, Res. 5031 10-4-50 Sly 90' of Lots 10-13 & Wly 10' of Albert St., closed adj- Permit to Edwa;rd H. & Margaret C. Blair, to erect a 2nd res on prop, making 3rd liv unit on entire lots 10- 13, at 3642 Albert St., Zone R-2 Res. 5Q84 11-1-50 N50' of El5' of Lot 5 & all of Lot 6 exc SlOO' of the WlO' & all of 7-9- Permit to Day & Nignt Plumbing Co., Gus E. Matchinske, Pres., to cons 1 liv unit above gar being const making 5 liv units on the prop, on NW cor of Albert & Brookes. Res. 5328 2-21-51 APPEALED By Richard J. Bartsch with City Council- z.c. decision sustained cc Res. No. 101173 3-15-51