University Heights Block 242
UNIVERSITY HEIGHTS BLOCK 242.tif UNlVERSI'l'Y HEIGHTS BLOCK 242 I~ Lots 6 & 7- An 8 unit apt bldg to within 15' of p.l. on Cypress St., DENIED to Dresta Beusctl. 10-6-30----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Sly 90' of Lot 27, exc the Wly 4.35- Permit to Edwin E. & Eva Me.tie Andrews to operate a part time commercial photographic processing business at 1616 Herbert Pl., condl Res. 3295 7-14-48-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Lots 14 & 15- Permit to Antoinette Navarra & Joseph Nunez to const 3-story, 9-unit apt bldg obs 5 1 811 s Ide yd on north where 7' req, 3670 Park Blvd, Zone R-4 C-13563 N.H. 3~12-76------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Exe S 83 ft. of Lots 2 & 3- Permit APPROVED by ZA to Robert and Elise Delanoue to complete a single-family dwelling with 7 1 611 X 15 1 parking space where an 8 1 611 X 20 1 space is required, at 1609 Herbert Place, Zone R-2. Condition. C-16830 NH 6-19-80