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Development Services

University Heights Block 245 Card 1

UNIVERSITY HEIGHTS BLOCK 245 CARD 1.tif UNIVERSITY HEIGHTS BLOCK 245 Card #1.:)Z) Lots 2 & 3- Permit to erect & operate an addnl res in Zone R-2 to Ruth N. Rockwell, 1610 Upas St. Res. 64895 9-8-36 Lots 8 & 9- Zoning suspended. Lots 4 & 5- "A" Zone suspended Res. 33145 Res. 37552 1-26-25 4-19-26 Lots 26 & 27- Permit to Alda Burdeck to build a 4 flat building, "A" Zone suspended. Res. 38964 8-30-26 Lots 4 & 5- Permit to Edwin G. Hopper to build 2 residential units over gar rear 1616 Upas St. Res. 72160 9-3-40--------------------------------------------------------------------------------,--~----- Lots 10, 11 & S20.64' of 12.- Permit to Irene Hunt to remodel exist sin fam res at 3402 Park Blvd. into 4 apts with 10' rear yd & 5' from adjoining bldg. Res. 403 9-16-43 Lots 10, 11 & S20.64' of 12- Permit to George D. & Ruth E. Latham to erect a neon sign at 1646 Upas St., provided sign does not extend out beyond the wall of the bldg to the north. Res. 1494 4-25-46 SWly cor Lot 10 & por Upas St. clsd adj- Permit to Am. A-1 Invest. Co. to make int alteratioas for 2 new bath rooms in exist 4 unit apt 1644-50 Upas St. total 6 units. Res. 4307 11-30-49