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Development Services

University Heights Block 248 Card 1

UNIVERSITY HEIGHTS BLOCK 248 CARD 1.tif J UNIVERSI'l"l HEIGHTS BLOCK 248,.:,,__ cQ7 Caret # ..,,.. Lots 9-11- Permit DENIED to Ford Barnes, to erect a motor-hotel at Park Blvd. & Cypress 7-29-29 Lot 1 & Nly 10' of 2- Permit DENIED to San Diego Country Mutual Fire Ins. Co,, Mary Mathis & Marie Seibel, to const a bldg with a 6 1 SB from Park Blvd, at 3697-99 Park Blvd.____------------------------------------------------------__ ~-- /rfO '/_______ Wly 10' Lot 2 & all of Lot 1- Permit to Marie Seibel & Mary Matthis, owners & S.D, County Mutual Fire Ins. Co., purch to conduct an ins. office in exist bldg at 3699 Park Blvd. with a sign as permitted in any RQ4 zone Res. 1804 10-10-46 Lots 7-11 & 14 & 15- Permit to St. Spyridon Orthodox Church to (1) provide 21 park spaces on Lots 14 & 15 for proposed 700 sq ft of addns to main area of assembly in church bldg exist on contiguous Lots 7-11-across alley, where 20 spaces are req for addn (4 parking spaces now existing, 4 to be added on Lots 7-11, for total of 29 parking spaces) and (2) constr addn to church on south side of Lots 7-11, obs 4' street side yd on Cypress St where 10' is req at 3655 Park Bl~d., NE cor of Park Blvd. & Indiana St. (3662 Indiana St., N of Cypress Ave., Zone R-4, condl ~.,.!)d .~- 7- 3 0_7 2._{s-.;_y-71)____________ C-9992_____ 7-30-70_________ ~- li.:z r-1 ~ ~deh- '7- If- 7- <--