University Heights Block 249 Card 2
UNIVERSITY HEIGHTS BLOCK 249 CARD 2.tif UNIVERSITY HEIGHTS BLOCK 249 Card #2. N Lot 31 & all of 32-34- Permit to Ma~tin Gackstetter to operate & maint now exist rest home for the aged, ambulatory boards only; max of 15 boarders at 3784 Georgia St., condl Res. 2123 3-27-4 7 3} Lts 25-27, W75'- Permit to Katherin H. Von Dreden & Barbara Stacey to alter a music studio on the main floor of exist bldg into 6 apts with 60'f,, coverage at 1826 Robinson Ave. Res. 2710 12-3-47 Lots 25-27, W75'- Permit to Barbara Stacey (Von Dreden) to permit exist bldg at 1826- 36 Robinson Ave. to be used for the conduct of business & professional office. Res. 3215 6-16-48 W75' Lots 25-27- Ext of 6 months on Res. 3215 Granted to Barbara Stacey. Res. 3609 12-15-48 N Lot 31 & all 32-34- Permit to Glikeria D. Rogers to const gar obs 0' SB (ave req) at 3786 GeorgiaSt., R-4 zone, that agreement be filed that 2 parcels will remain in one ownership & never sold sep. C-2300 2-13-59 N Lot 31 & all Lot 32- AGREEMENT #1020 to Glikeria D. Rogers to construct garage obs o SB where average SB of the blokk is req. C-2300 2-26-59