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Development Services

University Heights Block 250

UNIVERSITY HEIGHTS BLOCK 250.tif UNIVERSITY HEIGHTS BLOCK 250 Lots 51-54, E90' Lot 50,E90' of tne Nl3'- SB suspended, Tbird Church of Christ Scientist. Res. 44539 2-14-28 Build a cburcn to the p.l. on Georgia St. & 11 1 from tne p.l. on Robinson Ave. Res. 44833 3-12-28 J Lots 1-3- Store to the p.1. on Indiana St. Granted to Gust Brelin. Res. 54657 9-2-30 E69.6 1 of Lots 48-49 & Sl2' of E69.6' of Lot 50 & 10' st clsg adj- Permit to Miss Maxine Frank to canst gar 1.6' rear yd & l' sideyd, W side of George St., approx 125' S. of Robinson. Res. 4535 3-22-50 Nl3' of Lot 50 & all 51-54- Permit to Tbtrd Church of Christ Scientist to alter main cnurch bldg & add office-classroom structure with O' SB gram B Crestwood Pl. at 1839 Robinson Ave. Res. 8441 9-1-54 Nl3' Lot 50 & all 51-54- Permit to Third Churcn of Christ Scientist to add to exist bldg to cover lot 781, at 1839 Robinson Ave. Res. 8442 9-1-54 Por Lots 44 & 45, ~!Permit to Alfred & Justine Fritsch to constr 189 sq.ft. fam rm addn to exist single fam dwell on lot having frontage on Crestwood Pl, a named alley where 70' of frontage on a dedicated St is req, at 3711 Crestwood Pl between Cypress & Robinson Aves Zone R-4. Condi. C-11071 3-8-72