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Development Services

University Heights Block 252

UNIVERSITY HEIGHTS BLOCK 252.tif UNIVERSITY HEIGHTS BLOCK 252 Lots 7-12- Suspension of R-4 (Ord 12988) to allow nursing home, DENIED to Irve c. Boldman, et al, Res. 69968 9-19-39 Lots 1-12- & st clsd adj- Curtis & Mary Louise Hillyer & Wm. & Betty Potter Hillyer, owners & Terrace Park Corp., lessee to constr carports, with supporting posts, obs 6 1 SB & 30" SB from front p.L to eave of proposed carports, 1801 Myrtle, Zone R-4, condl C-2270 2-13-59 The above applicants were.DENIED to construct ce.rports, obs 6 11 sideyd, (4' req) State Housing & Bldg Dept., req 1 hr fire wal 3' from side prop line. C-2271 2-13-59 Lots 9-19- SCA APPROVED request of VISTA COURT, LTD. to maintain: 1) a 33 sq. ft. ground ID sign located on the NW corner of Penasquitos Blvd. & Paseo Montril to observe a 4' front yard where 15' is required; 2) a 59 sq. ft. ground ID sign at the complex entrance on Paseo Montril observing a 2' front yard where 15' is reqd. & the max. signage allowed per premise shall not exceed 20 sq. ft. located at 10070 Paseo Montril, CR zone and with conds. C-19672 7/31/87