University Heights Block 253
UNIVERSITY HEIGHTS BLOCK 253.tif UNIVERSITY HEIGHTS BLOCK 253 ()tZy ~ f,-J Lots 5 & 6- Permit to Walter R. & Hazel M. Scott to construct duplex, making total of 3 units on the property, exist unit 8 1 access court to Georgia St., 3429 Georgia St. Res. 5365 3-7-51 3------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Lot E25' of W80' of Lots l & 2 & W80' of Lots 3 & 4- Const res on W50' of Lots 3 & 4 AGREEMENT #714 A-714 2-20-51-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Lots 9-19- SCA APPROVED request of VISTA COURT, LTD. to maintain: 1) a 33 sq. ft. ground ID sign located on the NW corner of Penasquitos Blvd. & Paseo Montril to observe a 4' front yard where 15' is reqd.; 2) a 59 sq. ft. ground ID sign at the complex entrance on Paseo Montril observing a 2' front yard where 15 1 is reqd. & the max. sinage allowed per premise shall not exceed 20 sq. ft. located at 10070 Paseo Montrill in CR zone with conds. C-19672 7/31/87