University Heights Block 254 Card 1
UNIVERSITY HEIGHTS BLOCK 254 CARD 1.tif CARD# UNIVERSITY HEIGHTS BLOCK 254 Por Lots 19-22 & 10' clsg on Georgia. St.-- Permit to Robt. L. & Helen E. Grant to make add of 5th unit to 4 unit court,-5th unit only having access to 6 1 court, 3523 Georgia Res. 4059 8-10-49 Por Lots 22-25 & 10' clsg on GeorgiaSt.- Permit to Ben H. & Beatrice E. Murphy to make add of 5th unit to 4 unit court, 5th unit only to have access to exist 6 1 court~ 3517 Georgia. Res. 4060 8-10-49 E70' of Wl30' of s of Lot 26 & E70' of Wl30' of Lot 27 & Nl0' of MyrtleAve. clsg adj- Pernuht to Wallace Korzon to erect triplex with 1 unit being served by 6 1 8 11 access court on NWly cor Wilshire Terrace & Myrtle Ave. Res. 5234 1-10-51 E70' Lot 28 & E70' of S12' Lot 29- Permit to Wilbert L. & Anna Gilley tomaint inter alterations on bldg with 5' rear yd, 2' betw bldgs, 1942 Myrtle. Res. 8034 2-1-7-54 Por Lots 8-10 ~ Permit to G.F. Breen to erect bedrm addn to exist duplex, addn to have 8' rear yd, 3614-16 Wilshire Terr. Res. 6180 2-6-52 Wly-60'-of-Lots-6-7---Permit-to Raymond Vigneault-to-[1J-maintain-a-2nd-story-fam_rm_addn to exist 1 story studio apt on top of exist gar on same lot with another 2-story, 2 fam dwell; exist apt and gar obs a 3' int side yd and a 12'-6" rear yd and addn will obs 3' int side yard and 12 1-611 rear yd where 4 1 int side and 15' rear yards are req (2) maintain an enclosed porch obs 4 1 front yard and 0' int side yd where 15' front and 4' int side yds are req on exist 2-story, 2 fam dwell, at 3623 Georgis St. betw Myrtle Ave. and Cypress. Zone R-4. Cond'l. C-l2848 11-6-74