University Heights Block 259 Card 2
UNIVERSITY HEIGHTS BLOCK 259 CARD 2.tif UNIVERSITY HEIGHTS BLOCK 2.59 O I Z q S, J r.ARD #2. /6 Lot 17- & Nly 8 1 411 of Lot 18- Permit to Fred Ketchum to conv exist rumpus rm on par with exist sin fam res with detach gar, less than 70' frm front prop line, obs 0' side yd to sin fam res (2 units on par) 3533 Florida St. Zone R-4. N.H. also Lots 15 & 16 Case#4091 5-9-61----------------------------------....-------------------------------------------------------- Lot 18 & all of 19 & Por of 20- Permit to Fidelity Equity Corp. to const 2 story, 12 unit apartment bldg encoraching 3' into req 15' rear yd, at 3531 Florida St. betw Myrtle St. & Cypress St., Zone R-4, Cond'l. N.H. Case#7782 6-30-66 Lot Wly 110' of Lots 31- 36 incl. & all of Lots 37 & 38- Val A. Turner to erect a ct of 10 liv units & 10 gars on prop with only 50' frontage on dedicated st. AGREEME8T#718 4-9-51 Lot Wly 110' of Lots 32- 36 incl. & all of Lot 37 & 38- ~~:.::~~~to erect a ct of 10 1 iv units & 10 gars on prop. AGR~ 2-28-51------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Lots 33 & 34 (Por)- Permit to v. D. A. & F. Scott to constr detached recreation room addn with bar sink on lot with exist sin fam res at 3524 Alabama St. Zone R-2. AGREE #1897 10-16-73