University Heights Block 32
UNIVERSITY HEIGHTS BLOCK 32.tif UNIVE:RSITY HEIGHTS BLOeK 32 Lots 9-13, E50' of the w102 1- Permit to Fred & Iona $Hubert to move exist gar to a location 58.5 1 from front proplrty line & maint exist 2' sideyd & to const 10' xl2' addn to rear of gar, 910 Madison Ave. Res. 2348 ~-2.47 Lots 21-24- Permit to Wm. Rudd to div into 2 equal lots, both facing on Golden Gate Dr., 15' SB on Rhode Island St. & on Goldet Gate Dr. Res. 3949 & 50 6-15-49 ,-- Lots 21-24- Amend to Res. 3950 ABOVE to obs 5' SB on Golden Gate Dr., Res. 4"8o Por Lot 1 & por of s of Golden Gate Dr., Clsd- Permit to Will D. & Crystal K. Rudd to const sin fam res, O' sideyd on N line, NE cor Massachusetts & Golden Gate.. Res. 4541 3-22-50 ' ~,......--------------------~----------------------------------------------------------.--------- Por Lot 1 & por of s'of Golden Gate Dr. clad- Condl permit to Will D. & Crysial K. Rudd to const above sin fam res, 5' SB. Res. 4542 3-~2-50 E40' of Lots 14-18- Condl permit to Ida Reinhardt Gruetter & Ruth L. Porath to bld a sin fam res at 932 Madison Ave., Zone R-1 Res. 4841 7-26-50----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Por Lot l & that por s Golden Gate Dr. clsd by Res. 178o6 & 33460- Permit to Will D. & crystal K. Rudd to const sin fam with no side yd on north line at NE cor Massachusetts and Golden Gate Dr., Zone R-1 Res. 5097 11-1-50