University Heights Block 51 Card 2
UNIVERSITY HEIGHTS BLOCK 51 CARD 2.tif {~;,J~ UJrIVERSITY HEIGHTS BLOCK 51 ~" Por lot l- fa.m res add R-4 Ellis J. & Margaret L. Brown DENIED to const bedrm & bath add to exist sin to obs 5' rear yd {10' req) 4586 Shirley Ann Pl., betw Monroe & Madison. c-3490 8-5-60---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- E70' of Nl5' of Lot 44 & E70' of Lot 45- Permit DENIED to Samuel & Eleanor M. Baris to provide parking for use of nonconforming grocery store on W70' of Lots 44 & 45 at 4594 Texas St at the SW cor of its intersection w/Madison Ave., Zone R-4. c-997q 1-31-70 Lots 28 & 29- APPLICANT WITHDRAWN- William V. & Mary C. Peed, to construct carpool at 4531 Shirley Ann Place, Zone R-3 C-13,796 7-8-76 Lots 4 & 5 Portions- Permit to Ronald J. Roy and Nancy J. Garcia to main a 12'x12' room addn to a sfd which obs a 13' rear yd at 4567 Louisiana Street. R-3 Zone. C-14892 NH. 1-4-78.