University Heights Block 52 Card 2
UNIVERSITY HEIGHTS BLOCK 52 CARD 2.tif UNIVERSITY HEIGHTS BLOCK 52 '3f Card #2, w.- ~-,. Lots 8 & 9- Permit to Jeremiah & Ruth Aronoff to const lounge add sundeck above exist non-confor. 14 unit motel result no incr in no of units & obs all yd req apt house are perm at 4567 Texas st., betw Monroe & MLssion St., Zone R-4 c-68o8 11-10-64 6 mos ext to exp 11-10-65 (5-11-65) Lots 8 & 9- Permit DENIED to Mr. & Mrs. Jeremiah Aronoff to const a living rm & dining rm addn to exist non-conforming 14 unit motel, resulting in no increase in number of units and observing all yd req at 4567 Texas St., betw Monroe & Mission, Zone R-4. C-7498 1-1166 Lots 8 & 9- Z.A. cons. req. of Bill & Sharon Zografos to maintain 3 signs on premises (1) 8 sq. ft. wall sign: (2) 2 sq. ft. double-fac~d sign perpendicular to face of bldg. and (3) 38 sq. ft. x 12' hign, double-faced, free-standing sign obs. O' front yd: wnere one sign, max. 8 sq. ft. is perm. and/or max. 3' high sign is perm. in 15' front yd. at 4567 Texas St. betw. Madison & Monroe Aves. Zone R-4, & has DENIED as submitted but APPROVED maintenance of (1) 8 sq. ft. wall sign, subject to conditions.- c-10674 8-12-n APPEALED=Appeal granted and decision of the Z.A. be and hereby is overruled and modified. c-10674 9-23-n--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------,_