University Heights Block 56
UNIVERSITY HEIGHTS BLOCK 56.tif UNIVERSITY HEIGHTS BLOCK 56 Lot 15 & s of 16- Living quarters in a storage room with a 0' side yd & rear yd 13' and lot coverage 33i is DENIED to Paul & Lidya Solin, 4o6o Ingalls St. Res. 76o63 1-27-42 Sly of Lot 15 & all of Lot 16 & Nly 3.5 of the Ely 28.5 1 of Lot 17- Condl permit to maint a bathroom & stge room with legal side yd on a lot 41' wide where house is located and 37' for balance of the lot. Res. 1019 7-19=45 w68 1 Lots 23 & 24- Permit to Joseph & Georgia Impiccino, own & Nadezda Kaliskis, lessee to oper school of classical ballet in exist store bldg at 4501 Idaho St., condl for 2 years., to exp 6-30-55 Res. 7563 7~8-53 Lots 23 & 24- Permit to Giorgia Impiccino own & Nadezda Kaliskis, lessee to maint aper of school of classical ballet in exist store bldg on w68 1 of said lots at 4501 Idaho St., Zone R-4. C-4307 8-18-61 2 yr ext to exp 6-30-65 (6-6-63)---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 0 Lot Sly of Lot 15 & all of Lot 16 & Nly 3.5' of the Ely 28.5 1 of Lot 17- Paul Salin & Lydia Solin to maintain a bathroom & storage room with legal sideyds on a lot 41' 8 wide where the house is located & 37' for the balance of the lot; and we have applied for a yard variance by appl. x 2954, dated 7-19-45. A-374 7-21-45