University Heights Block 61
UNIVERSITY HEIGHTS BLOCK 61.tif UNIVERSITY HEIGHTS BLOCK 61 OltYSb-T) Lot l- Permit to Harry Haigh to bld 9 unit apt at Illinois & Boundary Sts, with a 2 1611 SB for stairs on Illinois & 3' SB for Stairs on Boundary, condl Res. 2190 4-24-47 Lot 1- Ext of 90 days granted f to ABOVE Res. 2611 10-22-47,, ZA- DENIED request of VIET & NGUYEN THI PHAM AND THAI V. PHAM- to constr. a 2-story 3-unit apartment bldg. on a lot with an existing 2-story, 4-unit apartment bldg. I) one parking space with back up to observe a 9' front yard on Boundary St. where a 15' front yard is reqd; 2) 4 parking spaces to observe a O' front yd on Illinois St. where a 15' front yd is reqd; 3) to provide 780.5sq. ft. of landscaping in the 15' front yd (required) on Boundary St. where 1,004,25 sq. ft. is reqd.; & 4) to provide O sq. ft. of landscaping in the 15' reqd. front yard on Illinois St. where 1,374.90 sq. ft. is reqd at 4532-4538 N. Boundary St., Zone R-400. C-18979 11/1/85