University Heights Block 64 Card 1
UNIVERSITY HEIGHTS BLOCK 64 CARD 1.tif UNIVERSITY HEIGHTS BLOCK 64 Ott~Sb- J Card #1 Lots 32 & 33- Permit to Albert F. Rudolph to maintain & operate a plumbing office & stge within an exist bldg at 4434 OhioSt, a small sign on the alley Which joins a C zone, provided the existing fence is removed & an ornamental iron fence erected, & the bldg painted. Res. 1401 3-28-46 Por Lots 42-48- clsd street adj & por of Pueblo Lot G- Permit to Kenneth & Betty Creel to erect two 4 unit apt bldgs, each with 14' SB, SW cor of Monroe & Ohio Sts., bldgs to be on tne Nl26' of this parcel. Res. 2922 3-10-48 Por Lots 42-48, clsd street adj & por of P.L. G- Permit to Kenneth & Betty Creel to erect two 4 unit apt bldgs, each with 14' SB from Ohio St. & bldgs to be on Nl35' (amendment to Res. 2922).AEOVE Res. 2963 3-16-48 6 mos ext on.AEOVEl 6 mos ext on above Res. 3395 Res. 3741 9-8-48 3-9-49 Por Lots 42-48, por Lot 3 in P.L. G & por unnamed road, closed- Permit to James Mazzara to bld 8 unit apt & 6 gar, 15' SB, SW cor Monroe & Onio. Res. 4514 3-8-50 w4o of 25-27 & S20' of w4o of Lot 28- Permit DENIED to Elmer F. Ohm to o~rate an insurance office with neon sign to be located inside large window at 3030 Meade Ave. Res. 5562 5-31-51