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Development Services

University Heights Block 74

UNIVERSITY HEIGHTS BLOCK 74.tif UNIVERSITY HEIGHTS BLOCK 74 (1 Lots 1 & 2 (E)- Permit to Geo. A. Bates, to build a duplex witnin 10' of p.1. facing north on Monroe Ave. Res. 45875 6-4-28 ZONE RESTRAINING ORDER- That, pending a zone nearing the Building Inspector is directed NOT to issue permits whicn would conflict witn tne provisions of Zone "B". ' Res 4 7498 10-8-28 NE t:1y.110' of Lots 46-48- Fermi t to Mr. & Mrs. Jeremiah Aronoff to ma int and~ complete a partially constructed roofed porcn addn to exist 5 unit apt house which obs O' st side yd on Monroe Ave. add obs 2'10" st sideyd on Monroe Ave. wnere 10' st side yd is req at 4496 Mississippi st., Zone R-4 condl c-7965 12-14-66 NE'ly 110' of Lots 46-48- AGREEMENT #1462 to Jeremiah & Ruth M. Aronoff-desire to maint & complete a partially constructed roofed porch addn to exist 5 unit apt house & has agreed that the roofed porch addn will not be enclosed or used for purposes other than an open air porch area for occupants of this bldg at 4492-96 Mississippi St. & 2139 & 41 Monroe St., Zone R-4. A-1462 2-7-67 Lots 20 & 21, portions- Permit to Harold Parker to constr a bedrm & bath addn to exist sin fam dwell on lot split prior to 12-5-54 but only having 10' of frontage on a dedicated street, at 4417 Alabama St betw Meade Ave & Monroe Ave., Zone R-4, condl C-10151 NH 10-5-70-----------------------------------------------------------