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Development Services

University Heights Block 77 Card 2

UNIVERSITY HEIGHTS BLOCK 77 CARD 2.tif UNIVER''I'IY!-!EIGHT q BLOCK 77 No. 2 Lots 29,30, and Ely 47 1- Annette Irene Komins to conduct a part time clock repari business AGREEMENT #342 (no date) E 47' of Lots 29 & 30- Permit to Petar & Rajka ORLICH to construct second-story addition to existing nonconforming, single-family dwelling; addition to observe (1) a 10' front yard on Georgia Street where 15' is required; (2) 5' front yard on Monroe Avenue where 15' is required; (3) 14 1 rear yard where 15 1 is required and has made the following decision: (1) APPROVED; (2) DENIED as requested, but APPROVED 7' front yard on Monroe Avenue; (3) APPROVED subject to conditions, at 1843 Monroe Avenue, Zone R-3. CASE 16527 1-11-80