University Heights Block 80 Card 2
UNIVERSITY HEIGHTS BLOCK 80 CARD 2.tif rNrlER~ITY HEIGHT"' B1GC1: 80 lots 9 & 10- <\GREE!:c;NT #281 to Frank W. Cox and He1Fm R. Cox to purchase, renair and selJ toy electric trains in conjunction with a res on prop Res 550 3/25/l4 Lots 25 & 26 (W40' of ElOO')- Permit to Armed Forces Service Center, Inc. (Walter & Esther Bateman, directors) to demolish exist detach gar, located less than 70' from front property line & obs O' side yd & erect carport on same location exist res obs O' rear yd (10' req{1536 Meade Ave., R-4 Zone, condl (DENIED req to alter int of exist sin fam res by add 2 bath). c-4333 8-25-61 Lot 44 and northerly 1/2 Lot 43- Permit to Raymond A. Young and Edward A. Bird to convert exis!-story sfd to 2-story duplex, duplex to obs 3'211 int side yd at 4476-4478 Campus Ave. in R-3 zone. Conditions. C-14138 NH. J-31-77. ~~~~ii6~g ~~inic J.-& Marie Dianna to main a bedrm and bath addn obs-a 3'- interior side-- yard. Exs dwel I ing obs 3' int side yd at 4450 Campus Ave. Zone R-3. Condition. 8-4-77. C-14507 NH. W-70' & S 17' of Lot 22 and W-70' & N 8 1 of Lot 23- Permit APPROVED by A2A to Robert & Helen Simpson to construct a 60 sq. ft. bathroom addition to an existing single-family dwelling, to observe an 8'3" rear yard where 15 1 is required, (existing dwelling observes 8'3" rear yard, at 4407 Cleveland Avenue, Zone R-3. Condition. C-16800 NH 6-2-80