University Heights Block 82
UNIVERSITY HEIGHTS BLOCK 82.tif UNIVERSITY HEIGHT.3 BLOCK 82 s Lots 35 & 36- Permit to Arthur H. Sigler to erect apt over gar at rear lotw 35 & 36. Zone R-2 at 4444 Maryland St. Res. 65694 3-23-37 Lots 27 & 28- Permit to M.D. Goodbody to build building at least 33 16" from tne curb. Res. 42153 6-27-27 Lots Jl & 32- Condl permit to Byron G. & Patricia Ann Lynch to convert exist gar at 4428 Maryland St. into living quarters with 18" sideyd. Res. 260 4-8-43 SEE AGREEMENT #229 Lots 27 & 28- DENIED permit to Henry F. & Kathleen Hopkings to oper radio & T.v. repair shop part time, in exist gar in rear of prop 4412 Maryland St. Res. 5795 8-22-51 Lots 33 & 34- Permit to Mildred M. Tipton to const duplex, making 3 liv units at 4440 Maryland st. with 3 off st parking' spaces. Res. 8531 10-13-54 Lots 27 & 28- Permit to Henry & Katnleen Hopkins to const duplex, making 3 units on prop with 3 car carport to be provided at 4412 Maryland. Res. 9361 1-4-56 Lot 45 and 46 (Portions of)- AGREEMENT with Darrold and Ruth F, Davis to construct a second story bedroom and bathroom addition above a new garage with interior access to existing kitchen at first floor, via staircase and landing (open doorway to kitchen) at 4484 Maryland Street. Zone MR-3000/MCCPD Agreement# A-5028 6-19-91