University Heights Block 96
UNIVERSITY HEIGHTS BLOCK 96.tif UNIVERSITY HEIGHTS BLOCK 96 Lots 19 & 20- Permit to E.L. Coleman to erect a 3 car garage witn 1 unit apt above at 4321 Maryland St. Res. 72662 11-2-40 Lots 4 & 5- Permit to Faitn Berg to const duplex at rear of exist sin fam res building crossing lot lines, said duplex to be served by 8 1 311 access court, 4381 Maryland Ave., providing space for off-street parking for tnree cars is maintained on tnis property and said parking space to be surfaced. Res. 3635 12-29-48 W41 5/6 1 of E2/3 of Lots 25-27 addn; liv unit, making total of unit to nave 9'4" access court, coverage at 1434-38 Van Buren.- Permit DENIED to Maurice P. & Bernice Hoese to erect 4 units on tne prop, 1 unit to nave 7' access ct., l gar to nave no sideyd & no rear yd, total of 52% Res. 5462 4-18-51 Lots 10 & 11- Permit to Henry M. & Winnie Mae Dupree to complete fire damage repair,,J ext & int on duplex on p1:1rcel witn sin fam res, single res obs approx 611 sideyd (3' req) & served by 5' access court (10' req) 4355, 4353, 4353 Maryland St., R-2 C-3456 & 57 7-15-60