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University Heights Block R (Resub Villa Lots ) Card2

UNIVERSITY HEIGHTS BLOCK R (RESUB VILLA LOTS) CARD2.tif I UNIVERSITY HEIGHTS BLOCK, R (RESUB OF VILLA LOTS) 012.Lt~b-~ Card #2 Por Lot 31- Permit to Crusta & Noel Ford to constr fam rm & kitchen addn to exist sin fam dwell; exist dwell obs 3' int side yd and addn to observe 3' int side yd where 4' required (exist kitchen to be removed), 4956 Uvade Pl, Zone R-2, Cond'I. C-13,274 N.H. 8-11-75 Lots 19 & 20- Permit APPROVED by ZA to DONALD E. AND JOAN A. HANSEN to construct a three- unit condominium building (1) to observe 5' interior side yards on each side where 7' is required; (2) to result in a height of 38' where a maximum of 30' is permitted, at 2852 Copley Avenue, Zone R-2/HR. (940). Conditions. C-17034 12-12=80 Lots 17 and 18- Permit APPROVED by A2A to OSKAR FIEDLER to maintain a single-family dwelling addition on a lot with an existing duplex, construction of which resulted in a four- story structure (two stories are dwelling and two stories below for 16 1 maximum height of supporting columns), with (1) a building height of 38' where 30' is the maximum permitted; and (2) 5' interior side yards where 10' is required for a four-story building, at 2846 Copley Avenue, Zone R-2/HR. Conditions. C-17775 10-1-82 Lot 26 & 27- ZA has APPROVED the request of ALBERT W. BAYER- to (1) expand a roughly rectangular-shaped portion of a nonconforming structure by adding 3 1-0" in height, for a toatl height of approximately 14'-0" where such enlargement is permitted by ~ariance only to observe a 4'-9" street, side yared where 10 1-0" is required; (2) to maintain 57'-0" of 6'-0" high, solid fencing observing a 0'-0" street, side yard where 10'-0" is required, at 2878 Copley Ave, MAP 1964,Rl-5000 zone. C-19813 12/18/87