University Heights Map 1011 Card 2
UNIVERSITY HEIGHTS MAP 1011 CARD 2.tif UNIVERSITY HEIGHTS, MAP #1011 CARD #2.~ Lot 90, ZA DENIED as requested but APPROVED maintenance of (1) a maximum 9'-7" high open deck with open railings observing a 1'-0'' southwest side yard at the closest point within the 4'-0'' required side yard; (2) maintain maximum 7'-5'' high solid archways and 7'-2'' high solid fente=~fthin the northeast side yard; (3) maintain 7'-3'' high archways within the southwest side yard; (4) maintain three wrought iron gates measuring 5'-3'', 6'-6'', and 5'-4" within the 15'-0'' front yard; and (5) maintenance of portions of solid fence and open fence within the front yard visibility areas adjacent to the driveway, located at 4508 New Hampshire Street, Rl-5000, Rl-4000, HR Zones C-20515 3-30-90 Lot 180- AGREEMENT with WILSON S. NORTH AND PATRICIA M. HIGGINS to expand existing home resulting in (1) removal of old kitchen and (2) altering existing bedroom to common living area by removing all doors and frames to allow open passage to remainder of home. Existing front door to remain as alternative exit at 4560 New York Street, Zone Rl-5000. A-5582 6-4-93 Lot 290, Remodel Variance was approved with conditions by ZA, ELISABETH SCHMITZ sought to expand a single-family dwelling on a lot improved with two single-family dwellings, where only one single-family dwelling is currently permitted; and (2) the expansion to observe a 0'-3" side yard where 10'-0" is required and where such expansion is only allowed by vari- ance at 4358 Proctor Place, Rl-5000 and Rl-40,000 Zones