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Development Services

University Heights Resub # 3

UNIVERSITY HEIGHTS RESUB # 3.tif UlllVERSI'l'f BEIGH'l'S.RESUB f3--.~~' ~i?Jf/'V Lot 2- Z.A. bas considered tne requaest of Wilsb.ire Investors- an equal Partnersnip- Edward Witbers, Jonn Santoro, Daniel Earheart and Joseph Maurao for permission to constr a 3-story, 9-unit apt bldg obs l' setback on ~rtle Ave where 5' is estab, 4 1 rear yard, where 10' is req, resulting in approx 64~ cov, where 601, is perm, at 3500 Blk Wilshire Terrace, IE cor if its intersect with ~rtle Ave. Zone R-4. bas DENIED the appl as presented, but APPROVED a 1' setback on ~rtle Ave and a 5' rear yard, Cond '1. {h,yu,,,,__,,t,(jo-l'J-7 U-----------------------------C-10559-----------------7-2-71--------