University Heights Villa Lot 148
UNIVERSITY HEIGHTS VILLA LOT 148.tif UNIVERSITY HEIGHTS Villa Lot 148 V.L.- Ext of 6 mo from expiration date of Res. 4516 dated March 8, 1950, be granted to Lugenia B. Niles to divide into 3 bldg sites, at So end of Rhode Island St. bounded by Massachusetts, Oklahoma & Buchanan St. on cond that each site be aeryed by an easement not less than 20' in width from a public st & each site to be not less than 75' in width. Res. 4995 9-20-50 V.L. 148- Permit to Paul & Barbara Miller & Lynn McLean to const res 23' from center line of 20' easement for por, remainder 25' from c.l. of ease condl Res. 7667 8-19-jJ 53 Por- Permit to Quentin T. & Ila M. Breese to const res at Send of Rhode Island.St. to be served by 20' easement condl Res. 8114 4-14-54 6 mo ext granted to Res. 8114 ABOVE for Quentin Breese. Res. 8504 9-29-54 Por- Permit to Quentin & Ila Breese to const sin fam res with 3' side yd on each side, (5' req) on private easement to Rhode Island jAve. Res. 8731 2-2-55